Add Glamor Your Windows Using Double Curtain Rods

Creativity is an experimental way to enhance any room towards stylish look. Many dealers make sure of this (creative) element while developing their new innovative products. First and foremost, home-makers try to experiment with their window dressing products which create an essence of beauty, invitation, comfort and more. Windows can be decorated with the usage of varieties of curtains and drapery rods, utilizing different style, material, color, location, etc.

Double curtain rods can be used for the formation of two varied curtains at a time. This being stylish, it expand your choice of colors, materials etc to develop astonishing factors for your room. It works out like your home project, where experienced person can take minimum 15 minutes and less than an hour for non-experienced person/home-maker.

For this, you need to have required tools and accessories ready in your hand. General requirements are two drapery rods, one pair of brackets or support to hold the poles. Here, brackets possess two mounting spaces about two inches apart. If you are willing for dual contemporary drapery hardwarethen first remove the existing brackets for a single rod and then replace it with new dual one.

For installing new drapery rods, you need to be careful about the measurement of the area for brackets. Also, mark the position of screws to secure the brackets. Mark an appropriate measurement for both with pencil. Drapery rods should be extend and installed about two inches from the main window frame and four inches higher than the topmost part of the window, respectively.

Next step to proceed is to drill the marked holes for the screws. First, don't forget to screw the drywall screw holders, if you won't be putting the screws into wall's studs. This will strengthen the power of your brackets to hold the weight of your hanging curtains. Drapery rods made from thick fabrics, often needs an attention for the rods' support to be fastened well.

Contemporary drapery hardware should be perfectly balanced. So once brackets are attached in its position, drapery rods can be placed over it. Also, try to check the level of drapery rods, utilizing the level placed above it. Once the level is confirmed as straight, you can hang your curtains by inserting the rods into the pockets and then hang the rod over the brackets. Continue same for the formation of second pole. The rod which is nearer to the wall should be placed first then the one situated in the front.

Double curtain rods is unique element of creativity for any type of window. Combination of light or semi transparent fabric and thick curtain with the two poles can create fabulous effect. Semi transparent fabric must be hang nearer to wall while thick one in front of it. During bright sunny day, you can shift the thick one in center or aside, accordance to need to show your inner heat protective curtains.

Whatever creativity comes in your mind, try to make use of it for decorating windows. Unique and astonishing factors of room rolls through the choice of your dual contemporary drapery hardware.