Curtain Poles and Why We All Need Them

Lets hear it for The Curtain Pole! Knuckling down to its task day in day out, allowing the far more popular curtain to take all the praise as it goes about its vital business with dignity and humility. Home improvement and personal privacy wouldnt be where they are today without these silent warriors.

Choosing to remain a worker behind the scenes, the curtain pole has had to come out of the closet in recent years. In this paparazzi era, curtain poles have been forced to not only glamourize but also openly display their wares.

In times past, curtain poles were relegated to the dark corridors and dingy shelves of giant DIY outlets. What a difference now as curtain pole specialists jostle for position and prestige with shops dedicated to them an their accessories.

The bog standard, drab wooden curtain poles of yesteryear are a thing of the past as metal and brass (to name just a couple) have been jostling for attention and dragged all their many cousins (including dazzling new wooden cousins) kicking and screaming into the new millennium with them.

All the glitters isnt gold is of course a true saying and it is also true that for most of us our curtain poles probably wont be golden. However it is difficult to find a single flaw in the role of our rock steady curtain pole. The spotlight has focused in on everything curtain pole and they are certainly enjoying their fifteen minutes of fame. You should see a curtain pole party! Perhaps it wont just be fifteen minutes either, as there are no signs of this interior design boom slowing down, even as the rest of the world spins into crisis.

The world would be a a much more exposed place without our curtain pole friends. How they have transformed our personal sense of security and privacy. How they have formed such an amazing alliance with curtains. I hear the spokescurtain claim that if curtain poles were to take industrial action and go on strike, that curtains everywhere would lose their will to live and just collapse where they once stood. Let us not take the feat of the might curtain pole lightly, let us not be blind to their power.

A new dawn has arrived! Curtain poles are here to improve our lives, to revolutionise our homes. They are here so that colour and luxury may prosper and that privacy might be granted to each and every one of us. All Hail the Curtain Pole!

Article Glitz: artipot(dot)com